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Gastronomical Galore: Take II

The pleasures of El Bolson

semi-overcast 64 °F

El Bolson, I have indeed arrived to paradise.
Here, the people seem to live on homemade ice creams and dulce de leche.
The town (all 2.5 blocks of it) are filled with competing Artisan ice cream shops, all seeking to outdo each other in quality and creativity of their truly on-premises made ice cream. Creamy, yet fluffy rows of chocolate with orange, mora, banana, nuts with various liquors and of course, multiple varieties of dulce de leche.
Oh dulce de leche.
Cakes with dulce de leche, marmalades of dulce de leche, it´s dulce de leche central here.
And yes, that´s exactly how I like it.
Today, for example, it was a day of rest, after doing a scrambling hike and a 45 km bike ride.
After cooking lunch for my Argentinean dorm mate (we live next to a small place that grows and smokes river trout) I took a stroll of 8 km each way to the town (by now, it´s really equivalent to walking from Central Square to Harvard Square).
First stop, ice cream of course.
Despite the multitude of shops, there is a line, always, and you have to take a ticket and get called (I do mean it when I say these people live on ice cream, unfortunately their size also displays that).
I got in line. I got a ticket.
Now, the dilemma, after all, with nearly 50 home made flavors to choose from...
Luckily, a small means you get to have 2 flavors, each generally scooped into a miniature cone.
I asked to try yogurt with fruits -- yeah, quickly discarded that idea... and the winners of today was a scoop of banana and a scoop of some kind of nut ice cream with some kind of nutty heaven in it.
Did I mention yesterday I had ice cream of some kind of fruit dipped in cognac...

Well, that was after all, the first stop.
Now, cafe time. I haven´t had any coffee or coffeeshop time since having left Chalten (no idea how many days ago).
The awesome hostel owners recommended a hidden shop.
I presented myself.
I got a menu.
A double cortada -- easy choice (their version of espresso with just a little bit of warm milk).
Now the tortas. All home made, and real cakes, Russian style, not some white cake with frosting.
And well, here too I didn´t need to ponder.
It was Chocolate Waffles with nuts and dulce de leche.
Ummm, when I ordered a slice, turns out Argentian slices come in quarter of cakes (still only $3). Yes, a gigantic mountain of 3 layer cake was presented next to my quite small cortado.

So, life is good.
But enough of this and tomorrow, and tomorrow I hit the gorgeous peaks that surround the valley of El Bolson.

Posted by Ritka2 15:25 Archived in Argentina Tagged ice cream el de bolson dulce leche tortas

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