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Day 1: Hold On To Your Bags (Until TSA Lady Says Otherwise)

The Story Of A Gregory Backpack And A Little Travel Miracle


Turns out my dad was flying out at the same time as I was, and what he thought was also from Terminal A.
Being the ever well intending guy, he got annoyed with me when I wouldn't let him carry one of my bags after he parked the car to meet me at the security check.
Lesson 1: Hold On At All Times To Your Stuff.

I protested and armed with a backpack (containing my life) and a small suitcase (containing -25C degree gear), I was happily ushered into the empty business line by the friendly Delta usher.
All good, until the not so nice Delta person curtly informed me that my backpack (see above as to its important contents) was 2 inches too large to take as a carry one. Despite my unsuccessful smooching techniques, I handed to her the: 2 pants, 2 fleeces, 2 skirts, 5 socks, and various sample size toiletries I collected over the past 4 months).

No dad insight. After a winning smile borrowed a stranger's cell phone, turns out dad was flying from Terminal C.

So there I was, traveling through Atlanta and after another easy 9 hour flight, landed myself in Santiago.

With a smile and a relief, I found my suitcase and right next to it the Gregory backpack.
Strapped in and springing, I stepped into the sea of taxi offerers to wait for my friend who wanted to pick me up from the airport.

45 minutes later, and after realizing that somehow I didn't write down her number and they had no internet cafe, I had to decline the friendly offers of the taxi drivers to use their cell phone "to call my boyfriend."
I was not even surprised when a guy approached me with "RIta Kraner?"
Oh yes, turns out, the Gregory backpack sitting gingerly on my back was HIS backpack.
My Gregory backpack was sited by him sitting lonesome back in the delta carrousel.
I guess when one shops at the national hiker heaven REI, it is quite foreseeable that a number of us will be talked into by a friendly salesperson into buying the more expensive 50-litter pack (for your comfort and pleasure).

Well, it all got resolved, as my friend ran to hug me, we located MY Gregory backpack and here I am.

Lesson 2: Hold On To Your Stuff and Travel Providence Will Be With You.

Posted by Ritka2 08:03 Archived in Chile Tagged travel backpack humor

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I guess 2 inches traumatised that lady at some point and now she has a grudge against it. may the fun be just beginning!

by sof

OOOHH THE JOYS OF FOREIGN TRAVEL...so much to say so little time!!...Don't you just love it when things get out of your control...?! I think this a sign Ritka, from now on all adventure...LET IT GO...RIDE THE WAVE OF ADVENTURE (and mark your pack with a red ribbon!!)

by Elsa


Color code your stuff always with some ribbons or whatever:)

by Peter

Keep rolling safely! Sense of humor and faith in Providence are powerful weapon!!

by Riva

Ritka Ritka Ritkaaaaaaaaaaaa
Are you still in Santiago or in the middle of the
wildness???? Please send us news....besos

by natascia

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